About timeliness and shelf life
14th February 2023 | Posted in Website
Back in the bad old days, when all marketing communications were printed, we – the marketing team and the copywriter – always talked about shelf life. You really didn’t want to get stuck with hundreds, if not thousands, of printed brochures or case studies that couldn’t be used because information had become outdated. Today the […]
Do you put pricing on your website?
30th July 2020 | Posted in Small business, Website
Yes, and no. The answer’s never simple, is it? Let’s say you’re not one of those ultra-sophisticated businesses that can personalise pricing according to the personal profile they’ve built about you from various sources. Not mentioning any names, but it has been suggested that travel companies and big consumer goods vendors might be quite handy […]
Who’s the expert? You are!
24th June 2020 | Posted in Small business, Website
Writing the words for your website can be a daunting thought. There are so many things to get right, from grammar to SEO, that it’s not surprising many people want to hand the whole project off to someone else. That’s a great idea in many ways. As long as we’re all thinking about how complementary […]
Thank goodness for Mrs Sweet, Mrs Hooper and the staffroom in general
21st May 2020 | Posted in Editing, Marketing communications, Website
I’ve been thinking of late how much I owe to the lessons at school that I didn’t really appreciate at the time. During lockdown I’ve reacquainted myself with my exceedingly dusty sewing machine. Quite honestly, if I hadn’t been taught by the terrifying Mrs Sweet about how to thread up the machine (and why are […]
Just one audience at a time keeps your messaging simple
11th May 2020 | Posted in Marketing communications, Small business, Website
You’ve got great ideas. They’re popping out of your head at the speed of knots. Offer these services to those people, these products to another set of people, add value and upsell with another great bunch of ideas …. Enthusiasm for your business – especially if you’ve got a new great idea you want to […]
Board member bios. Why so dry?
19th September 2018 | Posted in Branding, Editing, Web content, Website
When I wrote my book on B2B copywriting, I devoted a section to writing for websites. Content for websites, said I, should be in line with the tone of voice determined by the company. In many cases that means professional, approachable and easy to consume. The one exception is the page of bios for the […]