Timeless content
20th March 2019 | Posted in Blogging, Content creation, Web content
I wrote this Loneliness Guide for the When They Get Older blog five years ago, and it’s still one of the most popular pieces on the site. It’s collected some impressive backlinks along the way, which helps enormously with the profile of the site.
Why has it lasted so well?
Partly because the subject matter – ways to help our older friends and relatives feel less lonely – is relevant to an audience that’s growing and refreshing constantly. And also because I wrote it as a friendly conversation with my reader. There’s plenty of factual stuff out there, but I aim for empathy and practical ideas. Feedback suggests this is much appreciated by readers.
The links may be out of date in places, but the language and thoughts are timeless.
Loneliness_Guide – Find it on the downloads page of the WTGO site